Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Not Much Going On Lately

Wish I could say there was! I've been doing a lot of thinking about my future career as a hair stylist lately. I still definitely want to! I've just been trying to figure out how to make it happen. Well I know how, it's just a matter of finances. But man am I excited! I think about it all the time! It's just such a good feeling knowing what I want to do in life. Just making it happen financially is the hard part.

I just can't stop thinking about it. I imagine I will be so happy. How could I not be? I'm basically waiting for a certain thing to happen financially, but it's kind of personal so I'm not going to get into it.

At first, I really thought I was just going to go to a technical school. I even started sending transcripts to a school. It's cheaper and you supposedly learn the same material. But after talking to two girls who have a lot more knowledge about the subject than I do (they're both enrolled and close to graduating from a "high end school"), I quickly learned that going to a higher end school is the way to go. It's expensive, but worth it. They both told me that so many girls who went to a technical school ended up there, because they weren't learning what they should be and weren't passing the boards. So after a lot of convincing (from me to my husband) he agreed reluctantly it was probably the best route to take. But right now, we aren't making enough to make monthly payments on a loan. Our one year anniversary is coming up soon (next week) and we're going to a cabin to celebrate! After that, I'd really, really like to start looking for a new job. I'm not exactly sure how it's going to work out going to school and working, but I'm going to have to! Even if it's only a few days a week.

Anyway, just thought I'd make a small update. Just been living life besides that! I've got to start blogging more! I miss it!

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