Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Winter Blues

So judging by my vulgar last post, you can probably come to the conclusion that January and I don't get along. For whatever reason, since high school, I have always got a terrible depression the first week or two of January. Mostly the first week. It's seemed to carry with me even 9 years later. I try to avoid it, but it's inevitable. I know it has to do with that feeling of going back to school. You go from care free relaxing time with your loved ones to waking up early to a very cold, empty morning.

There was one particular year, my junior year, that hit me the hardest. It's easily in the top 3 if not most depressing times in my life. I don't want to get into the details of why, but it has to do with feeling very alone. Ever since then, I've always had a gut-wrenching sadness the first week of January.

I think it's safe to say I have moved passed it (at this point in the month anyway). Yesterday was my first day of school. It was my least interesting class, and I still really enjoyed it! It's a pest management class. I really like my teacher. He seems really laid back, and shares the same view points that I do. Tomorrow, I have Woody Ornamental Plant Identification, Small Scale Food Production, and Intro to Floral Design. I'm so excited.

I've started reading a book called "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up" by Marie Kondo. It's about a different approach to minimalism. It is honestly the most relatable information I've read about minimalism. It also addresses a lot of the reasons why I feel I've failed in the past. The author seems to have gone through a lot of the same minimalist obstacles I have and have wrote about. She never actually uses that word though. The jist of it is going through everything very quickly and for the most part only once. Like a life event. You basically go through every item, by category not room, and ask yourself if the item "sparks joy".

Where I struggle, and one of the things she addresses, is going through everything little by little. If you go through little by little, you will never actually finish. I'm a little scared to do it though, because I feel like I will hold onto things just because I feel like I should. Or because I spent a lot of money on it. If you do that though, I feel like you're not doing the true Konmari method. You jipping yourself. But knowing me, I'm probably going to do it anyway.

Anyway, I'm probably going to try this once I finish the book. I'm like 41% through according to Kindle. I'll be sure to write my thoughts and experience with it!

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