Friday, May 27, 2016

Packing Party Update

I had originally planned on doing only clothes and accessories, however I decided to just go ahead and take about 95% of everything in my bonus room (Daniel and I each have one but we obviously share the master bedroom) and put it in the master. These days I really feel like all I've been doing is moving most of my belongings back and forth between the two rooms. Anyway, I just went ahead and bagged everything up besides the things that I knew I definitely wanted to keep. So far, it's working out pretty well. I'm actually pretty amazed at how little I've pulled out of the bags. Wearing a work uniform definitely helps. When I get home from work, I basically put on pajamas. Unless, we go out somewhere. Even though, when I walk in our bedroom I see basically everything I own, I still feel less stressed out. When I go in to my bonus room, there's almost nothing. The closet is basically bare. I do have my make up in there, as well as a few pieces of clothes I know I want. I also have my record player and records in there. I don't think there's much besides that.

In other news, I've been working my ass off, and Daniel's been helping, on my perennial/butterfly/bee garden. It started off as a bunch of plants that I've accumulated in pots. I decided I wanted to take the next step and actually put them in the ground. Daniel came up with the idea of doing a semi circle with the vegetable/herb garden in the center. So, that's what we did. Today, I finished the bulk of it. Everything is done except the finishing details. We need to add mulch and add a border. I'm beyond excited. There are a few annuals in there, as well as a perennials. There's one though that unfortunately isn't doing that great. I really hope it makes a come back. But basically, I want to see what will come back next year, and replace whatever doesn't come back with a bee or butterfly plant. With how unpredictable and mild our winters have been, you really don't know whats an annual or perennial anymore.

When I initially bought the plants, I just bought them because I thought they were cool looking, but I really want to make the entire garden a pollinator garden. Live and learn I guess. Some stuff that I bought said that it attracted butterflies, but it doesn't. I'm honestly convinced that butterflies are very rare. It makes me sad beyond belief. I haven't seen any butterflies or hummingbirds in large quantities in a few years. Fuck you climate change. On top of that I've seen so many trees being demolished for road expansions lately. It makes me so fucking sad. I'll admit that I'm a tree hugger.

I'm wondering if people are slowly starting to realize that bigger isn't always better. I feel like you don't hear about people being in debt as often as you did a few years ago. I hope this is the case. I feel like our economy won't start growing again until all these debt gaps are filled.

Alright, well have had enough intoxicated writing for tonight.

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