Friday, June 20, 2014

Our Dining Room

Daniel took this lovely panorama of our dining room today! :) We finally put our rug down that we bought a month or so ago. We still haven't got the mold cleaned out though :( We just decided that we'll sleep in my bonus room until we do. I'll get to that in a second. Anyway, I feel that this room is really coming together! I feel it needs a "bar" possibly. Maybe an accent table somewhere. But I'm really liking the way it's tying together. I never would've picked red to decorate with. However, that Stella Artois sign really inspired me and steered the design of this room. I'm so happy I found that rug. For the longest time, I couldn't think of what could possibly look good in that room and tie it all together. But I saw that rug at Target and it instantly stood out to me. 

So yeah, mold. We had ANOTHER person come out to do an estimate since the other guy stood us up. He told Daniel in a round about way what he "would do in our situation." He basically told us exactly how to remedy it, since it's not a very big area. We'll have to rent an "air scrubber" though. I'm totally fine with that though. If we do it ourselves, we can do it in every room as well. 

Just thought I'd share that.

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