Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Thinking Time

I've been drooling over job listings (what?). Yeah. And guess what? They're not for hair stylists. I urn to work outside. Ever since I first realized being a hair stylist wasn't for me, I've been thinking about POSSIBLY going back to school for something in the environmental science area. I'm still going to finish school and get certified, and most likely work in a salon for a little bit, but I know I'm not going to do it long term. It's very uncomfortable for me and I don't like who I've become since I started. I literally drink alone every night (I don't get wasted though). But I drink higher quantities than I used to. I've been put on anxiety medicine.  I needed that anyway, but still. It was necessary once I started school. As you can tell, I've stopped writing. I have no motivation to do anything, but sit on the couch, drink, and watch tv. Pretty depressing. But anyway, I'd love to be a geologist or a scientist dealing with plants and habitats.

It really sucks that we're basically forced to figure out what we want to do for a living when were 18. I had no idea what I wanted to at 18, or 20, or 22. Now I'm 24 and just now realizing what my passions and hobbies are. It's unfortunate that I have to spend a huge amount of money to find out what I don't want to do.

All I know is that all the things that make me happy revolve around nature.

-Being outside
-Being in the mountains

Also, somewhat related, I made a "Happiness List" of all the things I can think of that make me happy. But, the following list is like my ultimate happiness/what I want to do more of.

*healthy food
*being in shape
*hanging out with friends
*a clean house
*being outside
*dressing well
*a well decorated house
*being creative
*good hair
*finishing things up
*getting rid of things

So yeah, we'll see what the future holds. I graduate in less than two months :DDD


  1. This inspired me to write my own post about a happiness list, I sure need it. Thank you! and good luck!!

    1. Sorry it took so long to respond! I don't check the blog too much these days. But that's awesome! Hopefully it helps! I like to read it when I'm feeling down or stressed, and really try to appreciate every item on the list. It's easy to read it quickly.


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