Wednesday, November 9, 2016


As of today, I'm waiting to hear if I've been accepted to Gwinnett Technical College for horticulture. I'm not really expecting to be turned down, because I doubt they turn down anyone. I can't wait to hear back though! I'm feeling very good about it. I did have a bit of apprehension prior to applying. It's unfortunate that I have my doubts based on my gender. It isn't a major that most women are interested in. From what I've seen, sort of being in the industry already, it's fairly male-dominated. (It's funny how I went from a woman-dominated to male-dominated industry.) I'm not exactly sure what I want to do when I get out, but I know I want to use plant knowledge.

I had been feeling down and worried about not getting hired over a man, but Daniel made me feel better about it. He gave me the courage I desperately needed to hear.

[Side Note: I was awarded Employee of the Quarter for the summer. It was such a pleasant surprise. I'm glad to know that my hard work is being recognized.]

I've also been struggling with deciding if I should get my landscape design certification or floral design certification, or if I even need to choose one. Right now, I've chosen general horticulture (being the third option). It could change. Right now, I feel that's the best option for me. 

I just remember a particular day when I was in hair school. I felt terrible. Crying, anxious, probably the lowest I'd ever felt. I can't remember if I could even get back to sleep or not, but I remember staying home that day, treating myself to breakfast at Waffle House, and designating that day to figuring out what I needed to do to make myself happy, because hair DEFINITELY wasn't it. I also remember that was around the same time that I had started doing research on forestry/environmental science careers. What schools offered the program, what jobs were available, how much schooling I would need for said jobs. I knew then, that I need to do something outdoors and dealing with science. It's been a process trying to figure out the right combination of science/outdoors to finally figure out that horticulture is what I'm passionate about. It's such a good feeling to think how far I've come with all this. 

I'm so excited to see where the future is going to take me (as usual). I don't know. I just like working towards new goals, new challenges, bettering myself. That's all you can do for yourself. Work on becoming your best self. 

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