Friday, October 14, 2016


I've been feeling quite overwhelmed with possessions. Shocker. Although I did go through about a quarter of objects that have been weighing me down mentally. I still have a bunch to go through. I think some of whats overwhelming me too, is that I don't have control over some things. Like the garage at all. Also, the kitchen. Mainly those two. I honestly would love to just have 4 place settings, barely any glasses, minimal appliances. But Daniel collects beer glasses and would never let me get down to just 4 place settings. What can ya do?

I almost feel like the longer I'm a minimalist, the harder it becomes (about 9 years now holy shit; although I've had these tendencies since high school). Because I've been down to barely any possessions before and know that I need a little more to be happy. Or at least I thought. I've been through cycles of buying and purging so often that it's hard to commit to serious minimalism. I use things temporarily, then I'm ready to get rid of them. I will say I have gotten A LOT better though. Now it's mostly plants that are the issue.


So now it's been a couple hours later, and I've finished going through the things I was talking about earlier. I still have a few items that I'm still deciding on, but for the most part, I've gone through everything. I moved most of my possessions into my closet, just to get everything in one place. I've been on a minimalist youtube video binge today and that was one of the tips suggested; to get everything in one area. So now, all you can see in my bonus room is my desk, a lamp and plants (including a shelf that has many plants on it.) I'm pretty proud. This is the most minimal I've felt in a while. It'll be a different story whenever I actually drop those items off at Goodwill. However, there are a few things that I need to try and sell. I really don't want to. I'd rather just cut my losses and donate them, but Daniel wants me to try and sell them. We'll see what happens. I rearranged my room too. I feel that's necessary sometimes.

Lately, I've been enjoying just hanging out at home and being lazy on the couch watching shows/documentaries. Usually, Daniel and I always go the mall area when we have time off together and just go to stores to walk around and occasionally shop. No wonder I struggle with buying things all the time. I think we both find comfort in it for some reason. I want to try and get away from that if I can. I know that's when I mess up the most.

Oh well, I feel like I've had some set backs that I'm still recovering from (namely hair school, and all the clothes, make up, tools, products associated with it). But I feel good about the future. Every time I go through a decluttering process, it opens my eyes to the things I honestly do use/don't use.

lol ok I'm way too drunk to keep writing <3

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