Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Cabins and North Carolina

Lately, I've been obsessed with everything cabiny. I'm longing to be in a cabin. Or maybe just the mountains. I love being in the mountains so much. I've often wondered if I could live in the mountains though. I mean I love it, but usually there aren't many places to work besides touristy places. Also, I hate to admit it, but I like being close to malls and Target lol.

I'm ready for warm weather. My plants don't like it inside.

Daniel fried up some sausage in a pan for dinner tonight and he used the oil that we bought from the fancy oil and vinegar store in Blue Ridge. It was a good smell. The oil brought me right back to the cabin we stayed at for our one year anniversary. It took me to the funny story of how we tried to make pancakes with that oil because the pans there were terrible and we forgot to buy butter. The single pancake that did turn out tasted like it would be served as an appetizer at an Italian restaurant.

My days lately have consisted of laying on the floor with many blankets and pillows browsing on the computer or reading. Tonight I'm doing that while drinking a beer that I brewed. It's a brown ale. I'm thinking of taking a bath soon with some of my lovely Lush bath products. I used to absolutely hate baths until I discovered Lush products.

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