Tuesday, February 28, 2017


While I drink my beer and procrastinate studying woody plants and  I'm thinking about herbalism. It's definitely interesting. I would be interested in trying to grow plants for their medicinal uses. I would have to do a lot of research. There's an account that I follow on Instagram @flowermedicine_ and @plantfolk (same person I believe) that's really inspiring to me. I imagine having a garden like hers. If I'm being honest, in the least creepy way possible,  I imagine that I'm in that garden when I'm depressed.

I want to focus more on growing things for consumption. Right now, I have a fig tree waiting to leaf out, some spinach growing and mesclun seeds sprouting. I also bought some carrot and radish seeds that will be planted soon. I'm trying to find the best spot for them. I was going to put them in my raised bed, but the way the sun hits this time of year, I don't get full sun like I do in the summer. So they may have to be in a pot. I need more organic potting soil. I have some soil that has fertilizer in it, but I don't want to use that on food. I'll just use that in my ornamental flowers.

The more I'm thinking about it, the more I want to use my raised bed for growing flowers this summer. I can't grow any tomatoes or peppers because of crop rotation.

Monday, February 20, 2017

February is Almost Over

I'm two months into school now. Everything is going pretty well for the most part. I haven't had much free time though, however which kind of sucks. I don't have much time to reset my brain. I've been doing a lot of studying. memorizing and reading lately, but I don't feel like talking about school much right now.

I feel like I've been in a bit of a rut. I used to dream about wanting to do or accomplish certain things. But lately, they haven't been on my mind as much. Or if they have not in a positive light. I feel like I've thought of these things so often as my "happy place" in times of sadness or stress that they've lost their sheen a bit. It's discouraging.

I haven't felt very happy lately. There hasn't been much very new or stimulating, and life has been kind of boring. I guess it could be winter depression.

The last couple days, I've been trying to clean up areas in the backyard. There's quite a few areas that have been over taken by tree suckers (or new growth shooting from the roots). I've taken care of 2 areas out of like 6 or 7. So I still have a lot more work to do, but the most pressing and obvious areas are done. I'm getting callouses and blisters so it's kind of cool to see that my body is accomplishing things.

I have a feeling I'm going to end up putting my energy into getting the yard looking better. I'm tired of it weighing on me. I feel like my possessions are getting under control (there's always room for improvement, but I don't have a maybe pile right now.)

I'm kind of drunk right now so I'm gonna end this here.

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