Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Well, it's late and I'm intoxicated

What else is new? I'm actually pretty content right now. I've been browsing Etsy and Pinterest and lusting over things. I just ordered two cosmetic items from Nars and a perfume sampler set from Etsy. The names of the perfumes are Dream, Ghost, and Moth. Are you kidding me? Such cool fucking names. The cosmetic items I bought are birthday gifts (from Daniel ;) or me), that I'm just now purchasing. I'm going to finish my order tomorrow in person. I'm going to go to the mall with my sister! I don't even remember the last time that happened. I'm pretty excited. I want to go to Sephora, Lush, and maybe Forever 21.

Man, Etsy has some of the coolest shit on the internet. I love how original everything is. I get kind of overwhelmed with all the things on Etsy. There are so many cool things to buy. Earrings and fragrances are my weaknesses. I miss buying things. Haha go figure. I haven't been buying things that I've been lusting over lately. I remember I used to do research and have like a wishlist before I bought anything. Which I guess I kind of do now, but before recently, it's been quite a while!

Man, I really need to go to bed. I bought some dark chocolate when I was on break at work today. I almost never buy chocolate, but today something was telling me to. Now, I'm wide awake.

I've been buying quite a bit of plants from work lately. Today, I bought a hanging basket for my chenille plant, two lavender ice plants, one "fire spinner" ice plant and two stonecrop sedums (same variety). I'm super excited to plant them! We're going to be redoing our mailbox area soon, which is where I want to put them. I'm really excited, because they're drought tolerant, low maintenance and still bloom! Well, the ice plants anyway. Ahh it's gonna look so good! I know I won't keep up with annuals that far away from the house, so this seems like the best option!

Monday, May 8, 2017

I've been itching to write lately, but haven't had much time. Luckily, school is over now. Thankfully. School is great and all, but finals paired with the busiest time of year don't go together very well. I'm happy this semester is over. I haven't been up to much. Just working really. I was off today, which was much needed.

My birthday was recently (I'm 26 now holy shit), and as I've been getting older I feel like I've pressured myself into feeling like I should make myself grow up appearance-wise. But I've also been thinking that I don't necessarily need to do that. Why is there pressure to make yourself look older just because you are? Fuck that. I don't know why I keep feeling that way. I guess, because I want to be considered professional. I mostly feel it when it comes to fun hairstyles.

I haven't been able to decide what I want to do with my hair lately. I keep leaning towards straight across bangs with a center part. I'm also unsure of the color. I know I want my ends light, I just don't know if I want to keep red at my base or go to my natural color. I know I overthink these things, I just know how much it can affect your self-esteem if you don't like the way you look.

I thought I had a lot more to write about, but apparently I don't!

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