Monday, January 27, 2014


I feel like actually learning about things is a somewhat lost art. I've been thinking about some things lately that I want to learn about. These things being: homesteading/gardening and Scandinavia. I know I'm never going to live off the grid or anything, but it would be nice to know the basic skills involved.

This isn't really related, but since the "economic collapse" or whatever you want to call it has happened, I've thought a decent amount about it and it's relations to minimalism. Minimalism definitely isn't the fix to our economy, but the exact opposite. But what I keep thinking about is that something needs to happen for it to get back on it's feet. Or maybe it's what has already happened. People were living above their needs. Think about it. People with mortgages they can't afford, buying things with credit cards they can't pay off. Eventually, somethings gotta give. It shouldn't even really be surprising that this has happened. Companies have had to close stores and go out of business. I feel like eventually though, it will balance back out. People will get back to where they should be based on what they can actually afford and possibly have some extra money to spend. But obviously I'm no economist. I just wonder about our whole capitalist economy. I mean I think it's the way to go, but at the same time, there's a limit. At least in my eyes there is. Some people may not see it that way.

I don't know. I constantly wonder where I fall on the political scale. I consider myself a libertarian. I don't really know where I'm going with that. I just think about these things from time to time.

On to a different note, I'm happy because I've finally started using my multipurpose room again. I've starting getting back into my succulents and cacti, which are in that room. Well, about half of them are in my husbands music room because he gets better sun in there. I've repotted a few of them with better soil that's actually made for succulents. The ones I didn't do are because I don't have a bigger pot for them. But yeah, so for this room, I really would like to get a rug, possibly a love seat, and a 3x3 storage bookcase type thing. A couch might be weird, but I spend most of my time on the floor with a pillow. I really want the storage thing because I just like having all my stuff in one spot. I'd like one section for my records, one for books, one for my sewing box. Not sure about the rest, but I'm sure I'll find something to put in them.

So one of my plants is starting to grow babies out of where the leaves have fallen off. Last time I counted, I had 9 growths. If they get big enough in time, I'd like to give one to my mom and mother in law for Mother's Day. I'm hoping I may get more growths. I'm also hoping to propagate the leaves. I have them all sitting out now waiting to see if they develop roots. If they do, then I'll have babies.

I'm actually getting excited for spring. I pretty much only like fall and spring. But tomorrow it may snow! I'm so excited! I don't think it's snowed at all the last two years. I'm such a little kid when it comes to snow. I can guarantee Daniel and I will be outside tomorrow once it starts accumulating.

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