Friday, June 20, 2014

Our Dining Room

Daniel took this lovely panorama of our dining room today! :) We finally put our rug down that we bought a month or so ago. We still haven't got the mold cleaned out though :( We just decided that we'll sleep in my bonus room until we do. I'll get to that in a second. Anyway, I feel that this room is really coming together! I feel it needs a "bar" possibly. Maybe an accent table somewhere. But I'm really liking the way it's tying together. I never would've picked red to decorate with. However, that Stella Artois sign really inspired me and steered the design of this room. I'm so happy I found that rug. For the longest time, I couldn't think of what could possibly look good in that room and tie it all together. But I saw that rug at Target and it instantly stood out to me. 

So yeah, mold. We had ANOTHER person come out to do an estimate since the other guy stood us up. He told Daniel in a round about way what he "would do in our situation." He basically told us exactly how to remedy it, since it's not a very big area. We'll have to rent an "air scrubber" though. I'm totally fine with that though. If we do it ourselves, we can do it in every room as well. 

Just thought I'd share that.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Wasted Money

One thing I don't like to think about is the amount of money that I've lost buying things that I don't use. Namely, clothes. So I ended up taking my clothes to that store and received $19. I'm not surprised at all. They had an option to pick up the stuff that didn't sell, or donate it. I chose to donate it. There were a couple pairs of shoes in there that were a bit dusty, but worn maybe one time, and those didn't accepted because of condition. That kind of bugged me, because I know I had to at least have spent like $40, if not more. But I don't have the patience to sell all those things. I guess that's the price you pay to get something off your hands quickly.

For some reason, I've found that a lot of the time, when I buy clothes new (as opposed to used), I don't end up wearing them! I don't know why! I wear maybe about 30% of the stuff I buy "new". It usually ends up shrinking or I don't like it as much as I thought I did. It just sucks, because those are the clothes I lose the most money on. Luckily, I discovered how good H&M really is, so I'm going to have to start shopping there more.

Oh guess what? I got a new job! I haven't started yet, but I put in my two weeks at work. It's at a restaurant. I originally didn't want to work at a restaurant, but I gotta stop being so picky. Also, I know you make better money. I'm going to be a server though, so I'll make much better money on top of more hours. So I'm really excited. It'll definitely be nice to have some extra cash. However, when I start going to school (whenever that is) I may have to change my availability. Because I'm not going to be able to go to school full time as well as work full time. It was definitely time for some change.

Sunday, June 15, 2014


I spent some much needed time going through clothes today. I did this with a couple drinks in me, because I find I'm most honest with myself and more ruthless when I'm in this mindset. lol. So I'm going to go to this store tomorrow called Uptown Cheapskate, which is a place to buy and sell used name brand clothes. I've been meaning to go for a while and sell some stuff that I know I'm not going to wear. I added some stuff to that pile today without sitting on it for a while. Usually, before I get rid of stuff, I like to put it in a maybe pile for a while. But I'm honestly tired of doing that. I need to be realistic and realize that I'm not going to wear that particular item. I still have some stuff that I'm probably not going to wear, but they're more special occasion type clothes. So I'll have to think about those. Anyway, whatever doesn't sell I'm going to take to Goodwill.

Sometimes I think about how small the world really is. There have been multiple times where I've found pictures on Pinterest (that presumably came from Tumblr) that I like or "Pin", then later on end up realizing that I'm following that person on Instagram or have seen them somewhere else on the internet before. Sorry for that run on sentence. It's just crazy to me.

Anyway, I'm excited to take that stuff tomorrow. I'm ready to have less again. Even after I take this stuff, I still won't be as minimal as I once was. That's ok though. Needs change. I'm still working on dwindling though.

Monday, June 2, 2014


I'm quite excited for the end of this week, because we'll be going on a cabin trip! We're going to Gatlinburg. I'm tempted to start packing now. Well, I've packed some already, but I had to do laundry before packing anything else. One thing I don't like about packing is the in-between time before you leave. Cause you want to pack, but you're going to either be wearing some things or washing them before you pack them. I guess I don't like that most times you can't fully be packed until right before you're about to leave. (hairdryer, make-up, etc.) But man I'm excited. I'm not really in good shape like I was last time, but that's ok. I'm just happy I can finally stop making myself feel like crap every time I don't eat healthy. It's going to be a ton of fun though, just like it always is. I wish we could go more often, but obviously our schedules aren't always allowing.

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