Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Succulent Probz

My simplicity is starting to get to me in the succulent department. I never thought I'd say it, but I kind of want less of them. It is an addiction though. I actually found myself getting the slightest bit anxious yesterday when I went to Home Depot, and the succulent selection wasn't very good. That's sad! But then in the next breath I want less. I'd probably be happy with all the ones I have, but they're just not doing good! No amount of light to water ratio is working for them yet. I'm guessing it has to do with the fact that most of them were indoors for an extended period of time. I was reading something the other day about them having to adjust again when you bring them back outside. That would explain why they got sunburned after leaving them outside for only two days. One of my plants literally died the day after I bought it. I bought it, put it in the sun the next day, and the day after that it was so burned that it's basically dead now. That one pissed me off. I didn't even get to enjoy it. That's actually what I was looking for yesterday when I went to Home Depot was the same species to replace the one that died.

But anyway, they're becoming more trouble than they're worth. With them not being able to be watered often to the intermittent frost, it's getting to be a lot to handle. Every time it rains, I have to worry if it will kill them or not. And when it frosts, I have to bring every plant (roughly 15 if I had to guess) inside. I'm just going to have to wait until we move into a house with an environment they can thrive in. This house is not that. It's way too dark. The only place that's good for them is in Daniel's room, but he doesn't like them in there.

What I'm thinking of doing to alleviate some of the stress is getting a pretty big pot and adding 4 possibly 5 plants to one pot. That way I won't have to move as many around. Now I'm getting all excited, but it's 10:19 on a Tuesday night, so I don't think I'll be hitting up any hope improvement stores tonight. But tomorrow...possibly.

Sunday, April 13, 2014


I finally planted a vegetable garden! I'll have to get a good picture, but I couldn't be happier. It's the perfect sized, wooden, raised garden. I've planted onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, yellow bell peppers, "big Bertha" bell peppers, zucchini, squash, and two types of jalapeƱos. I didn't realize how much room the onions would take up though! It's about 50% of the 3x5 space. But, we do use a lot of onions. It's crazy to see how fast everything is growing! I can already see new types of leaves forming from the plants I planted on Friday, as well as the ones I planted yesterday. The first batch of cucumber plants didn't make it though. It looked bad to begin with, but it was the best one of the bunch. 

I'm going to start composting soon. I have to get a container and worms, but I'm pretty excited. I've wanted to compost forever! I'd like to get a metal trash can. However, you can use a plastic tub, but I prefer the look of the metal. But we'll see. I looked at target today, since we were in the area, but they didn't have what I was looking for. 

I'm in love with this weather. I've been outside for at least a few hours everyday since the weather has been nice. I just love nature. I feel so happy when I'm outside among green things. 

I really need to go to goodwill. It's just kind of far away now and I never remember to go when I'm available to. I need to go soon though.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


I really want to get back into being more minimal. I mostly need to go through some clothes. And take what I've already gone through to first try and sell, and then donate whatever doesn't sell. I have a few beauty products, perfume, and make up that I don't really want. But I don't hate the product so I guess I may as well use it. I've been a bit stressed out though because Daniel has been bringing a bunch of tools and stuff from his moms that we REALLY don't have room for. I've been dreading this from the moment I saw there was a workshop in Daniel's basement. Because I knew eventually his mom was going to move out, not need all the tools and end up giving them to us. I know tools are useful, they're just not the prettiest things and we just don't have to storage for them right now. I guess if I can at least keep the inside minimal, then we'll be ok.

Man the thing I hate about going through clothes is that I don't want to get rid of something that I wear, but only every once in a while. Cause sometimes you do have to change it up.

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