Thursday, August 8, 2013

Getting Inspired

It's weird how buying things can make you inspired, maybe it's just me. I've desperately been wanting to decorate, so I went to Michael's today and bought a few small things. I bought some feathers, fake flowers, a tiny hanging terrarium (it's empty), an tiny autumn floral stem, a wide potter and a tiny bird cage. I'm pretty happy with my purchases and it only came out to $13. A lot of it was on sale. My little craft room is starting to come along :) It's only the beginning, but I like where it's going. Anyway, I feel like Michael's is my new favorite store! They have good prices and sales on a lot of items and I can customize my decorations rather than just buying some. I also went to Pier 1 and bought 4 tiny white bowls that were $1.50 each. I saw them the other day, but didn't buy them. From cooking more often, I've realized they were perfect for putting random ingredients in. For example, oil, eggs for sealing egg rolls wraps ect. So I went back and bought them today. They're actually bigger than I remember, but that's ok. We have 4 tiny glass bowls now that we use all the time so it'll be nice to have some extras.

It's so hard to walk into Michael's and not want to buy everything! Well mostly the fall stuff lol. I think I want to make a flag garland thing for the fireplace once fall gets a little closer. There really aren't any good colors to represent August. Every time I go there I always get caught up in the scrapbook section. I just love looking at all the stickers, papers, and little random things for scrap books. I don't know why, but I've always been drawn to little pieces. As an example, when I was younger, I didn't really care for Barbies that much, but I was more interested in their clothes and accessories. Polly pocket as another example. Scrap booking supplies kind of remind me of that.  I really liked all the stamps and decorative hole punches they had there as well, but I don't really have a use for them. Maybe around Christmas to make handmade cards or something, but that's all I can think of.

Lately, I've kind of been wanting a record player again. However, I think I want a modern one this time. And probably one with speakers built in. I miss the crackly sound of a record player.

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