Friday, February 21, 2014

Last night was absolute Hell

So my stomach decided it wanted to do one of it's upset for 6+ hours thing again. I'm not entirely sure what caused it this time, but I have a pretty good idea. So I bought these Lara Bars in the flavor cherry cobbler on manager's special. I decided to take a bite of one of them and my tongue literally started burning. Not in a spicy way, but an itchy, burning sensation. Then my gum felt like it started throbbing. I also felt what seemed to be numbness trickling down my throat. It was a very scary feeling. I was worried my airway may collapse, but luckily it didn't go past mild numbness. I checked the ingredients and there wasn't anything out of the ordinary. It actually had very minimal ingredients. The only two ingredients that I wasn't sure about were brown rice syrup and dates. I'm not sure if I've ever had dates before, but I know I've had brown rice before. I'm not sure what else would go into the syrup though.  But pretty much as that sensation was starting to go away, my stomach started feeling TERRIBLE. This lasted from like 11pm-3am then it came back when Daniel left for work around 6:30. I ended up having to make myself throw up a few times, because the pain would just not end. I seemed to feel mostly better after the second time, but like I said it ended up coming back. Oh I should also add that I couldn't fall asleep because I was in so much pain. I think I finally fell asleep around 3:30. It was just all around a really bad night and I feel like death today, because of it.

Monday, February 17, 2014


So some of you may or may not know this about me, but I love succulents and cacti. I think I finally figured out why: they relax me. I love watching them grow and seeing the new things they do. I actually get feelings for them, as weird as that sounds. Like I was genuinely sad when a few of them died (due to lack of sunlight). But I'm slowly learning which ones work and which ones don't for my house (it's been a painful process).

But anyway, I just bought 3 new ones today. I'm a bit sad though, because once I got home and did some research about one of them (3rd pictured), I discovered it was severly etiolated. Etiolated means that it stretches and becomes thin, due to lack of sufficient sunlight. Basically, once the branches and leaves begin to do that, there's no turning back for that branch. So I'm basically going to have to wait for it all to grow back in again, because 98% of the plant is like that. Also, the other plant I bought was like that about 40% (1st pictured), but I believe that one will grow back quickly. I knew it was etiolated when I bought it, but tried to pick the one with the least amount. I really wanted that particular one.

This is what the plant is supposed to look like:

It doesn't even look like the same plant. I actually thought they labeled it wrong on the tag, but its just that stretched out. So I'm hoping that one will grow back fast now that it's getting better sunlight. I actually just went ahead and put them outside since they're all more hardy than I thought.

Monomeal Detox

I'm thinking of possibly doing a "monomeal detox". Monomeals are basically where you eat one type of fruit or vegetable for a meal, until you are full. A lot of people do mostly fruit. I'd like to do maybe 50/50 if possible, because I know it's not good to eat lots of sugar. But anyway, I'm not sure when I'll start this yet. I'd like to do it anywhere from 3-7 days depending on how well it goes. Lately,  I've just felt so sluggish, tired, and just generally bad. I've been eating horrible. I just need something easy to cleanse my body. This monomeal idea is simple. There's really no thinking involved. Just pick a fruit or vegetable and eat. No juicing recipes, no salads, no ingredient substitutions: just simplicity.

However, the reason I'm not starting this ASAP is because Daniel's mom bought me a giant Reece's peanut butter heart for Valentine's Day. I'm really not a sweets person, and I don't have the heart to tell her to not buy me candy. I could give it to Daniel, but I feel bad doing that for some reason. Maybe I'll give him half who knows. I just think it would be fun to do the cleanse together, but he probably wouldn't even want to do it.

I  just know I'm tired of feeling like garbage and I need something to kick me back into healthy gear. Summer isn't too far away after all.

Saturday, February 15, 2014


I'm not sure how to make our home more cozy without breaking my style. It's something I think about quite often, but I'm not sure how to achieve it. I know we need more rugs. We literally only have one rug in the house right now (besides bath mats and welcome mats). Perhaps a leather couch isn't the coziest.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Harvest Moon and Junk Food

Lately, that's all I've been doing besides work. I've been so lazy. But I guess it's better than going out and spending money! But, I can tell I've gained a few pounds. I've been really careless about what I've been eating lately. I don't like it, but I guess we all go through times where we don't. I have some lentil soup in a can that I'm going to eat for lunch. Today, we're snowed in. Or iced in I should say. Luckily, I didn't have to go into work.

I've been kind of irritable today and I don't like it. It could have something to do with the fact that I've been up since like 6:00 am and never got back to sleep.

So hopefully, I can find something to do today. I'm sure I will.

Sunday, February 9, 2014


At the moment, I feel somewhat overwhelmed. I'm not entirely sure why. We just got back from looking at two houses for Daniel's mom. She's trying to downsize somewhat. The houses we looked at weren't a ton smaller, but they didn't have a basement like she has now. Maybe I'm feeling overwhelmed in a sense because of the size of the homes. If I had to guess, I would say they were between 2,600-3,000 sq. ft. Also, both of the houses needed work. I guess I'm vicariously overwhelmed lol. But then that got me thinking about our house. It really doesn't need a ton done to it. We need all the trim and floorboards cleaned and painted. But painting is such a pain!! Mostly because it's oil. Also, the bathrooms aren't very updated, and neither is the kitchen. But that's basically it! So it's really not too bad. I'm just a perfectionist so it feels like a lot. Also, there's things I want to buy. Like we need rugs basically throughout the entire house.  I just get overwhelmed very, very easily. It sucks because when I get very overwhelmed, I basically shut down and don't do anything. Our house is really messy right now, which is adding to why I feel the way I do. I could clean it, but it's my only day off, so I just want to relax.

Sunday, February 2, 2014


Lately I've been being a bad consumer again. Lusting after products. I don't like it. Probably, because I've been watching YouTube again. But I think it's ok to treat yourself sometimes isn't it? I haven't actually been buying as much as I've been lusting. My biggest weakness is lush. I bought A LOT around Christmas,  but most of it was buy one get one free and payed for with a gift card. So I didn't actually end up spending that much. Here's a picture of my stash for reference

I've been slowly going through things, but I also like having them on hand. But here's the thing: these things do make me happy! Is that when consumerism is ok? I just feel so good when I use them, I enjoy smelling them, looking at them. It doesn't bring an emptiness to me. Had I spent full price on them it may have.

A couple days ago I bought a few make-up products. I bought a Sonia Kashuk pressed powder, because I was out of my pressed powder. I also bought two nail polishes. With the thought of spring around the corner, I've really been wanting a mint green nail polish. (It's one of my favorite colors too) I bought one like two years ago that I ended up giving to my sister, because it just wasn't the "right" shade, so I ended up not really using it. It was more of a light turquoise. But this time I found it! And I'm excited to say I found a cheap one for $2.99 AND it was a small quantity which I was happy about! Most nail polishes come with so much actual product, and it ends up getting gross before you're even half way done with it! There was another one I found first which was almost the exact same shade but it had more product and it was more expensive. I was also looking to replace my black nail polish since mine was pretty gross. I had used it recently and there were a TON of air bubbles in it. So I picked up a bottle in black from the same line as the mint green one. I think I treated myself without going over board.

For me, when even I get that lusting feeling, it's because I'm on the computer and have nothing better to do. So that kind of sucks. Maybe once I'm working full time I won't have that boredom as much.

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