Thursday, May 30, 2013


It's been a while! Last Saturday, my brother Anthony graduated from high school. Which meant my dad and step-mom came in from out of town. I always like seeing my dad. I miss him. I always love when he comes down, but then get so sad when he leaves, because I never know the next time I'll see him again. It was really fun spending time with him as well as my other family members. I forgot how much I miss being around my family.

We decided to have the graduation party at our house since my dad wanted to see the house and we love having people over anyway. The downside about that were all the leftovers. It was nice that my parents went all out, but we had tons of unhealthy leftovers. Which has put me off the healthy wagon again. I had Taco Bell for lunch :/ But I'm going to try to eat a salad for dinner.

I went to the eye doctor yesterday!! This is big news for me, since I ALWAYS procrastinate for as long as I can with that kind of stuff. I ordered a new pair of glasses which I desperately needed. I'm not in love with them, but they were the best there. They're brown/tortoise shell Ray Bans. I was between that and some black Ray Bans, but those looked a little masculine. I told myself my next pair of glasses was going to be more feminine. Also, I got some trial contacts. This is day two and so far so good. These are daily wear ones which means they're thinner. I'm really hoping they won't be super expensive, but we'll just have to see. I'm glad to have that taken care of. The next big thing on my list will probably be getting my moles checked out. I'm so paranoid about that. I have one on my chest that a doctor said she was little worried about. But just to watch it and see if it changes. I don't think it has but I just want to get it and a couple others checked out.

I'm thinking about possibly doing some blonde peek a boo highlights. It would just be a subtle change. I've never had any kind of highlights before. That reminds me, I can't believe I forgot, I had an interview at Sally's. Unfortunately, I did not get the job. It sounded like it was mostly going to be a sales job anyway. I mean I think I could've done it. I'm pretty bummed about it though. There is another Sally's in the city I live in that I may apply at. 

Sunday, May 19, 2013


Man, trim is no joke! It's so tedious! I JUST finished my room today. I didn't even do the trim in the closet. Somehow, I forgot about it. I might come back for it depending on how burned out I get with the rest of the house. I'm just so ready to move on from that room. It wouldn't have been so bad, but I realized towards the end that I had used acrylic paint on top of oil. Which is a no go. So I decided to completely do at least one coat over everything I had just painted. (Which probably won't make any difference, but it eased my mind.) I'm hoping to do the living room or dining room next. I have a feeling our bedroom is going to be the death of me. I already know it's going to be a pain. I'm gonna try to get a picture up within the next day or so of the finished product of my room. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Blogger Frustration

Bloggers keep leaving me. I know nothing is forever, but I don't like change! I've had so many blogs that I read on a day to day basis stop existing. Well, they still exist, it's just that the writers no longer write anything. It's pretty frustrating. My favorite blogger Miss Minimalist has basically stopped since she wants to focus on her new daughter. I understand, but I also miss reading her blog. Everyday Minimalist sold her blog to a couple of guys. Who does that? She also had a financial blog, so maybe they made her a good offer, but still. I do love finding new blogs though, but a lot of the time I'll stumble across them, forget to bookmark it, and never see it again.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Some Things are Not Important

In minimalist blogs I've come across many times to make a list of what's important to you and focus on the top three or four things. Usually anything after that isn't actually all that important, and tends to keep focus away from those more important things. For me in order of importance would be relationships, health, (this should be my fourth over third) the house, job/career.

I have to make sure these things happen. For example, today I spent some good time with my mom and sister. It's been way, way too long since I've seen either one of them, and I really missed them. I've also been kind of straying away from my health. A little car problem has my anxiety going haywire, so I made some bad food decisions today. And the last couple days. However, to make up for earlier, I ate a large cucumber, about 7-8 cherry tomatoes, and an apple for dinner. I wasn't even all that hungry anyway. I am NOT giving up. I'm gonna have a few bumps in the road, but I'm not giving up.

The trim is coming along pretty well. I didn't have time today to work on it. But all I need to do is another coat on the window, one entire door, an entire side of the other door and a second coat on the other side. That actually sounds like a lot. And that's only one room! It'll totally be worth it though. It already is and I'm not even done yet. The biggest pain, and what held me up the most, is the window. You have to make a perfect edge on 4 sides of 12 panes whilst attaching a piece of paper to each pane, to ensure it doesn't drip. Such. A. Pain. I'm dreading the rest of the house for that reason. But it gives me something to do, which is nice. Browsing Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram gets quite boring after a while.

And I actually somewhat incorporated my fourth thing today too! I had a much needed, good conversation with my mom about doing the cosmetology school thing. I found out today Aveda is in the $15,000-$20,000 range. I had no idea! I thought like $5,000 at the most! So that's out of the question.  My mom really encouraged me and motivated me to do it. I should definitely qualify for some financial aid and I should still have Hope. Plus, she was telling me at the end of the day all you really need is the certification. I have a business degree (associates anyway), and if I wanted to, I could open my own salon. (Or just work out of my house). It felt really good to talk to her about that, and it gave me the motivation I heavily needed. So I plan on looking into that within the next couple of weeks.

Overall, I feel like I had a good day. :)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Yellow Trim in a White House

So I've decided I can't stand it any longer; the yellow trim that is. I started painting the trim in my multipurpose room. We don't plan on doing the whole house in a weekend or anything, but rather take it slow and do a good job. Painting the trim and doors of the whole house will probably happen over the course of a couple months.

It's just been driving me crazy to have white walls and yellowish trim! I don't know what the previous homeowners were thinking with that. I'm like 90% positive they painted it that color rather than the white aging to a yellow.

I'm loving it already though! It's making me fall in love with the white all over again. For a while, I was thinking I pretty much wanted to repaint the whole house, but I'm not feeling that anymore. What you'll learn from reading this blog is that I have commitment issues when it comes to color. It's like a hair stylist with their hair. They're not going to have one color forever, they change it up pretty often. For this reason, it's unfortunate that I have a passion for interior design.  I think though, that I would like to repaint the bathrooms at least. I'm learning that white really doesn't look that great in a room that doesn't get any natural light.

I think my next priority will be either the trim in the bathroom or the trim in the hallway. I'm leaning towards hallway, since that's seen more often than the bathroom. I'd like to do more to my room tonight, but I'm out of painter's tape to tape down the drop cloth or whatever it's called. I'm excited though! I just need to paint the trim whenever I'm bored lol.

Thursday, May 2, 2013


This is a photo of my desk. As you can see, it's very minimal. I love my simple desk. I actually don't even use the lamp. So who knows that may not stay. I thought I would give decorating a try. Besides the lamp, everything in my desk area has a purpose. And I love it that way. (Since this picture was taken I've taped the cords to the back of the desk, so they aren't hanging everywhere.)

This is the smaller drawer on my desk. I use everything here. The fabric looking thing is my hard drive/hard drive case. There's also a calculator. That's probably not essential, but it does come in handy.

My desk is in a room that is pretty much my multipurpose room. I use it as an office, yoga room, make up room, and safe haven. It's very bare, but I love it. I have (almost) no problem doing yoga in here. My chair does get in the way sometimes, but I'm usually too lazy to move it.

I'll probably post pictures from time to time of minimal areas of my life, because I think it's fun for people to peek into a so called "minimalist's" life.

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