Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Cleaning and Organizing

I got a bunch of cleaning done today, which feels good. I hate cleaning, but I love when the house is clean. I also organized our junk drawers. The drawers look so much more empty! It's amazing how reorganizing can make junk look so much better. You wouldn't have thought we'd had any room in the "desk" (one of those built in things, usually with cabinets above it in kitchens). But now, the bottom is organized. I just gotta work on the upper part soon. I organized it a couple months ago, but it's messy again. I also organized all the camping equipment today.

It's such a nice feeling to have all that done. I don't really have too much else going on right now. I'm just listening to music and blogging.

Monday, May 19, 2014


So I had an amazing weekend. We went camping with a friend at the Amicalola Falls State Park. We got a late start on Friday night. I wanted to get there at like 5 and we got there at like 8. And on top of that, it was pretty darn cold. It was an adventure on its own trying to find a jacket since Daniel and I both forgot one. It's been in the 60's - mid 80's lately, so neither one of us thought we would need it! We were very, very wrong. I ended up getting a grey hoodie at Wal-Mart on clearance for $7. However, for Daniel's jacket, we had to attempt to sleep through the low 40's night, then the next morning, hike 1.5 miles both ways to the visitor center gift shop. The way back was entirely up hill. And there were well over 500 steps (we had to take two sets of stairs). And his was $40.. Anyway, negatives aside, the trip was super fun and much needed. Daniel and I realized the hard way that our 6 man tent was entirely too big. It takes like 3 people to set it up easily. It also wasn't fun to take down in the rain on Sunday morning. We also had a tarp that was wayyyy too big.

So being inspired, Daniel and I drove home, got cleaned up and went to R.E.I. I don't think either one of us were planning on buying anything, but they had a rare sale going on for their 25 year anniversary. So we bought a tent. Our tent. It has great reviews and it was about $80 off! It's a 3 man tent. And omg it's amazing. We excitedly set it up in our living room and it literally took less than 10 minutes to set up. I know it will take even less in the future, since we know how it works now. It's a backpacking tent, so it only weighs 6 pounds. And it is so easy to put together. On top of that it came with a footprint, which is basically a mini tarp the exact size of the tent, to go underneath the tent. So we don't need a tarp. I can't wait to use it!

I just love camping so much. It's so much fun and it makes me so happy! I have a feeling for Christmas, or maybe sooner, I'm going to want to get some nice jackets. I'd like a warm, hooded fleece one. And a warm rainproof one. I may look at Plato's Closet for a used North Face jacket.

Thursday, May 15, 2014


It's that time again, when I get bored and want to change my hair. What I'm thinking of doing this time is what I wanted to do a long time ago, but never went through with. I want to bleach my hair light and let my roots grow out, like an ombre. This picture is my inspiration, since my roots are the same color.

Honestly, I'm just tired of my hair never looking right when I dye it dark. It always fades so easily and just never soaks into the shaft well. But if I do this, this time I would get it done somewhat professionally. I would go to the hair school I want to go to, and get one of the students to do it for cheap. In the summer time, if I dye it dark, it just fades even faster. It's been forever since I've had real blonde hair. Since my junior year in high school I think. I don't know when I'm going to do it yet. Probably within the next couple weeks.

I've been trying to embrace my natural self more lately. I haven't been wearing as much make up. The only ear piercing I have in is my tragus. I just starting looking at all the pictures of women I "pin" on pinterest, and the majority of them don't have much make up on and have a "just woke up" look to them. Kind of shabby and grungy.

But hopefully, I actually go through with it. I gotta change it up a bit.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

I don't know how to be the person I want to be

I'm not even sure what kind of person I want to be. Obviously, if I could change one thing, it would be eating healthy/working out. I didn't do too bad today. I worked out sort of. I didn't do any squats though cause my legs are still really sore from yesterday. I would probably instantly fall.

I would like to go camping/go for hikes more. Mostly what gets in the way of this is work. If I have a job where I get two days off a week, I could probably do it more often. But when I only have one day off, I don't get to go anywhere.

I wish I were more motivated. Mostly in the job department.

Ok I'm going to make a list mostly for myself of things I'd like to change:

1. Eat better/work out more (I'm starting to get better)
2. Find a different job
3. Start going to school (still don't know what I'm doing financially)
4. Keep up with the house (this will be difficult to do until we get a house with carpet)
5. Go camping more/go for hikes
6. Hang out with family more

I'm starting to realize a pattern with a lot of these things. Most of these things are things I don't have much control over. I can't go to school, because I'm trying to figure out what to do about money (I'll just say this, it's not up to me.) It's impossible to keep up with the floors and table surfaces. The black shows every particle of dust. I would literally have to clean both twice a day for it to look good. I can't go camping or go hiking, because I can't get off of work. And I can't hang out with my family, because they all work ALL the time. We all do.

This has been kind of a sad post, which I hadn't planned on. I just have to slowly figure things out.

Monday, May 12, 2014


I worked out tonight for the first time in a really long time. All I did were squats and bicycle sit ups. The squats were more like duck squats and I did 3 sets of 25. I actually collapsed when I was going down the stairs. lol and that's not an exaggeration. I have to side step down. I also ate fairly healthy. The only bad things I had were a cornbread muffin and a side of mac and cheese. I'm trying to get serious, because we have a cabin trip coming up in June. Not that I'm trying to impress anyone, I just want to feel good about myself and not paranoid that someone's looking at the cellulite by my butt when I get in the hot tub or go swim. I seriously need to get going on a healthy lifestyle change and stick with it this time! I'm gonna buy Yuengling Light for the trip, cause it's pretty good for a light beer. I can't drink a bunch of sugary girly drinks like I did last time. Those things are NOT low in calories. And you get hung over easier from all the sugar.

I'm so happy, because I should be able to go camping this weekend! I asked a girl to cover my Saturday night shift. She's home from college and trying to make some money. Or else I wouldn't have asked her to cover it.

Right now, I'm sitting on the back patio enjoying the night. For some reason, I love when it's a tad humid outside at night. Or during the day, but not with the sun out. I'm not really enjoying the mosquitos though, but that's the only bad thing. I love being able to hear the frogs. I can't wait to go camping! I'd like to go a little further north than we usually go.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


I think my new favorite clothing store may be H&M. If you want to know my clothing style, just imagine the "basics" section at any clothing store. Plain Jane is what I like. It's what I gravitate towards and what I always wear out of my closet. Daniel had an eye appointment today at the mall, and I decided to go with him. But during that time I looked around at the mall. It was really nice. Usually, Daniel makes me feel overwhelmed when I shop and he rushes me. This time, I got to really take my time. I was really pleased with what I found. They had great basic tops, but had little details to them that made them not as basic. I ended up spending about $50, but love every piece I purchased. I know it's stuff I'll wear.

Oh yeah, bad news, we have mold :( But luckily, it's not black mold. I'm not sure if I've mentioned it before or not, but I've had a cough basically since we've moved into the house. I think this may explain it. Long story short, the previous home owners screwed us, we got a bad leak and mold started growing behind the wall in our bathroom. The type of mold is called "penicillium" and I'm allergic to penicillin which comes from that mold. We're having someone come out Thursday. I'm not sure if they're doing an estimate or of they're just going to get to work. But I just got finished moving every item out of my closet and moved it into my bonus room. I'm hoping it will "detox" it. I should probably wash all my clothes as well.

We've been sleeping on an air mattress in our dining room. I actually don't mind it. For some reason, I just really don't like our bedroom. Maybe because I don't like the bathroom in there, I honestly don't know. But I've almost felt happier since I haven't been using that room.

Man I'm so ready to have this mold thing taken care of so I can breathe normally again.

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