Tuesday, June 25, 2013


I've been bad the last few days food and exercise wise. Well I did better yesterday. I ate slightly better and went on a run and did some squats and ab stuff. I'm back up to 113, which obviously isn't bad, but it makes me a little sad. I've gotta work on not depriving myself of sweets. Because I NEVER used to crave chocolate and sweets until I started eating healthier. But I always deny it to myself, but that just leads to binging. So I bought an entire box of chips ahoy cookies for myself (Daniel got a box for himself too cause we couldn't agree on one). I have one row left. All I can do it get back on track which I'm doing.

I'm proud of myself for going running though. I don't mind running, it's just getting out the door that's the hardest part. It's so weird how that's always the case. I guess I had some extra motivation though from how bad I ate this weekend. My weaknesses right now are beer, chips and salsa, and toast (either rye or 9 grain I think it is). The toast I don't mind as much, because it has fiber and helps me from getting nauseous when I take my vitamins. I know I probably use to carbs at work too. But yeah I'm excited to see what running does for my body, because cardio and diet are supposed to be how you burn fat. I'd like to start doing physical stuff 5 days a week. I'd like to do yoga one day, then strength and running the next or something. Just to clear it up, when I say "strength" all I do are bicycle sit ups (right now 2 sets of 25) and squat 3 sets of 10. The weight is 20 + the bar weight. I should probably increase both of those soon. I know it's not much, but it's something.

I'm gonna try not to post weight updates from day to day, because it's pointless. I know the number really isn't important. I'm mostly interested to gauge what I'm doing. Figuring out what works and what doesn't.

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