Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I've lost 8 pounds!

Since I've started "eating healthier", I've lost 8 pounds! It feels really good. I'm still not where I want to be, but I'm definitely making progress. We finally caved in and bought a scale (which is why I'm just now finding out). I feel like I'll probably lose more too since I'm now eating even healthier than I was a week ago. Daniel and I watched the documentary Forks Over Knives and we're converted. We're probably not going to become vegans, at least not now, but we've drastically changed out diet. Daniel is eating as a vegan for a week to detox a little bit. I would've done it with him, but I had just bought some cheese and Greek yogurt ice cream. Which is funny since I don't usually eat that much dairy. 

I've done this by 

1) significantly cutting back how much we go out to eat 
 We probably only go out twice max per week now (at least me, Daniel gets lunches at work and eats out)

2) not eating much dairy 
 Besides my recent shopping trip, I really haven't been eating much at all

3) healthy snacking
This one is tough for me. The last few months I have been bad about the snacks I choose to eat, but the last week has been much better. I'll typically snack on fruit of some sort. I bought hummus, but I need to buy some good veggies to dip it in

4) eating A LOT of fruits and veggies
 This is what I mostly eat now. I'll have a sandwich here and there, but I've got a lot better about eating my fruits and veggies

5) doing my yoga DVD at least twice a week
I'd like to do it at least 3, but some weeks I don't 

6) not drinking soda or other sugary drinks
If I drink something it's usually either water or hot tea, more recently I've been brewing my own cold teas (other flavors besides your standard sweet tea) occasionally I'll have a diet soda, but not very often

7) no artificial sweeteners
I have been using stevia which is a natural sweetener for my teas and such

8) not giving up
This is probably the cheesiest, but most important thing. I've eaten many an unhealthy meal since I decided I wanted to change my health, but I haven't given up. I came very close, but I didn't. Consistency is they key to success.

Overall I really haven't been super strict with myself, or maybe I have and don't notice it. I have a goal in mind which is keeping me on track. However, like I mentioned I'm ready to get more strict with myself. Eat less bread (I've been on a rye bread and peanut butter kick lately), close to no meat (I've been eating vegetarian all week besides a bite of a burger I had at work today), stick with healthy snacks (I need to remember organic corn chips and black bean dip that has cheese in it don't count as healthy snacks). I'd really like to start incorporating more leafy greens into my diet, but unfortunately, my history with greens isn't the best. I have a really hard time digesting them :( which is accompanied by excruciating stomach pain. I'm hoping as I eat more veggies my stomach will adjust better. 

I'm proud of myself. I've finally made the change I've always wanted to make with my health and I don't see myself going back to the way I was. 

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