Wednesday, July 31, 2013

I Did It

I worked out for the first time since before we left for the cabin! Sure it really sucked while I was doing it, but I feel sooooooooooooo much better now. I've kind of been in a funk since we got back and haven't been healthy at all. Lots of junk food and no working out. I didn't realize how depressed that made me! But I made myself get my butt off the couch and do it. I unfortunately had McDonald's for lunch though. I really didn't care at the time, because I was starving and we had no food at the house. But we just got back from shopping not too long ago. So for dinner, I'm eating a spring mix salad with falafel (I just discovered Kroger carries it) and carrots. The mix has herbs in it, which I thought would be good, but it's actually kind of weird. Certain bites are really intense. Either way, I'm really proud of myself. Sure I still feel like a blubbery walrus, but I did it. And I'll do it again tomorrow. I set an alarm on my phone for 6:30 pm to work out. I'm hoping doing that will get me on some sort of schedule and force myself to do it. I kind of want to go for a walk tonight too, but I may not. I always feel weird walking by myself and Daniel probably won't want to go with me.

I have quite a few recurring dreams. One of them is being back in high school (I've seriously had this dream at least 20 times). I had that dream again last night, but this time it was mixed with another one of my unfortunately less, but still recurring dream, that I'm in some Scandinavian country and it is freaking beautiful. I looked up pictures of Iceland on google and my dreams pretty much match that. So I was in high school (even though I had already graduated in my dream) in this beautiful country, I'm just gonna say Iceland. Man I want to travel there so bad. I really want to visit all the Scandinavian countries. The only thing that looks different in my dreams is that the houses are on hills.

All of the pictures are basically like what my dream is like. It's crazy because I've never looked up pictures of Iceland before today. I just imagined and dreamed that's what it would look like and it does. However, I usually think I'm in Sweden in the dream.

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