Monday, July 1, 2013

Sometimes You Have to Take a Step Back

I'm struggling with something that I wrote a post not too long ago about comparing yourself to other people. It really is a difficult thing to do. I'm writing this post to hopefully talk some sense into myself. I really need to be thankful for who I am. I can't be another person. As pretty as someone is or how good of shape someone else is in, I cannot be that person. 

I think maybe I need to take a break from Instagram for a while. Because that's kind of what I'm talking about. Comparing yourself to fitness people and vegans. I mean yes it's inspiration, but sometimes it can have an opposite affect. It detours you from what you're trying to accomplish because it makes you feel bad, which leads you to not feel motivated. 

I just deactivated my Facebook account. It's not really the same, but I'm going to give it a try. When I actually look at the stuff on Facebook that comes in through my feed, it's really not very interesting. It's really just a time killer. About a week ago, I "unliked" the majority of the pages I was a fan of. Just to weed out what came into my feed. What was left were pictures that aren't that interesting and statuses that aren't that interesting. Even I knew the statuses I posted weren't interesting. Realistically, I'll probably go back, but I kind of want to take a break for a while. It's funny I keep getting that itch to check it.

There's certain things people think they can't live without, but they can. I didn't have a cellphone until my senior year of high school and I got around completely fine. I also wasn't driving then (because I'm a giant procrastinator). I actually kind of enjoyed not having a phone. Would I get rid of my phone now? No. Facebook? Maybe. We'll see how it goes. 

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